My dear friend Melanie kept talking about, and even praying that I might have an unexpected adventure in my life. Nothing big, just something out of the ordinary. Except, the thing about telling people that you want them to have an unexpected adventure is that they start thinking more and more about it and the expectation is too high for one to really happen. Thus, that is what happened to me. I kept looking for that said adventure that it became too expected, doomed never to appear. Then Wednesday came and things changed.
I was driving around downtown Ruston, talking to my sister on the phone, when I spotted two friends of mine walking down the street. Just wanting to say hi, with rapid effort not to lose them in the alleys of Trenton Street, I parked near a restaurant and set out on my search. I turned the corner to the street in which I saw them walking and really almost became disappointed when I saw they were nowhere in sight. I was about to turn around, when the driver of a white jeep saw my aimless staring and honked the horn at me. It was Aimee Howell, the very friend I saw on the street walking just a few moments earlier. I just wanted to say Hi, but found myself talking to Aimee, me on the sidewalk, her in the jeep stopped at a red light. What transpired then was a quick hop into her jeep and a ride to Tech farms where she was shooting Elizabeth Moore's senior pictures. The sun was setting, leaving us only a few precious minutes of available light in which poor Elizabeth, in her summer dress, shivered in the crisp air. But, despite the shivers she was a good sport. To make the day more interesting the three of us, decided to jump the fence at Tech farms in hopes of capturing some photos in front of the horses grazing in the pasture. The horses, then in the distance, looked at us strangely and curiously when we invaded their turf but stayed in the background, still grazing. One horse though, I think got a little too curious and began to walk toward us. It was at that moment that I felt a little fear, as if I didn't know what would happen if the horse suddenly turned unfriendly. To our relief, the horse, who I liked to call Rusty, just stood there and let us pet him. It's funny how much bigger horses look when they are standing right next to you and not just in the background. I think Elizabeth was a little frightened as well, but by the end of it all we made a new friend and eventually "Rusty" grew tired of us and walked away. With not much available light, and the increasingly cold air still lingering the three of us hopped back over the fence to call it a day, all the while still laughing at the horse incident. Aimee then had to bring me back to the parking lot the little adventure all started in with promises that we should do it again real soon.
I know it's not much, a lot of build up for a short little adventure, but it was unexpected, simple and purely fun. It's not everyday you hop into someone's car, hop a fence then come face to face with a very large animal. I think it's moments like this past Wednesday that make me cherish the simplicity that brings nothing but laughter to a weary soul. I have heard it said that "you never know when you're making a memory", how true those words were that day. I hope that I can have more days in which the agenda just flies out of the window leaving me staring aimlessly down the street, waiting for a friend in a car to pick me up at a red light.