
Friday, October 22, 2010

The things I love....

I love going to the park and seeing Dads playing with their children, I love having lunch with one of my best friends, and I love the peace and serenity a sunset gives when you sit under a tree and the in the moment nothing else seems to matter. I love yellow rain boots on a rainy day, and receiving a letter from a friend who is far away. But one of the things I love the most is trees. There is just something about trees that speaks to me. I don't know if it is their stately appearance, their changing leaves or the brillant shapes their branches display. All I know is that I'm drawn to them, wondering what stories they can whisper to me as I sit at their roots that are deeply grounded and stretch farther than I can see. These beacons of stability and strength in the midst of storms or in the midst of summer when little boys like to climb make me wonder. They make me wonder about how they got there, what the seasons were like that they've seen, which lovers carved their initials on their trunks and if those lovers ever visit that tree. I wonder what they'll tell me, the girl sitting by those roots begging for a whisper of days gone by. I love the imagination of it all. I love the way on an overcast day, when the clouds are silvery grey, the sun peaks out just enough to give the tops of the trees a golden glow. It is as if those trees are reaching up to the Heavens saying "Show me your Glory," and somehow I'm a witness to it all, and that small golden glow is a reflection of just that.