Oh, Blog it has been so long since I have typed my thoughts! I think the new spring weather has given me inspiration to carry on in my writing endeavors.
I was looking through my old journal entries today and came across one that matched by delight in anticipation of new springtime adventures. Every time I travel, during this season, I find many vehicles with canoes strapped on top and I become jealous. Jealous for the adventure of what spring/summer holds. So, in my mind I write the adventurer a letter...
Dear Jeep Cherokee with the canoe on your roof,
You are so cool. You probably didn't notice me on the road, but I was the curly, brown headed girl in the bluish grey Versa belting out the words to "Play that Funky Music White Boy." You might have seen me, and chuckled at my silly behavior. Whatever the case may be, we travel the same interstate. You have not escaped my notice, and though our destinations may be different, I wonder....what adventure lies ahead?"
So, here I am daydreaming about adventure, when there are multiple stacks of paper to grade. Papers or no papers, I love this weather and so what do I do? I take Shakespeare to the park. The sun on my skin, the breeze in my hair gives me a little happiness and I feel renewed. I think that if Shakespeare was really with me he would agree with my mood and he would recite his sonnet, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?/ Thou art more lovely and more temperate." He knew the summer was beautiful, so I take him to the park.