As one of the leaders of the 7th grade youth girls at Christ Community I have been challenged to "Taste and See" the Lord in small sections of scripture. As each day holds a new truth, promise, nugget of gold I cannot help but repeat that phrase over and over again in my head. I want to taste and see that the Lord is good.
The word "taste" with all its enticements of rich flavors, and small portions of "just enough" to get one wanting - even desiring more lingers in my mind. Taste. If only we could just taste the Word of the Lord we would see that He is good and we would desire more! Taste. Just a little nibble, one or two verses and it wets our appetite. Taste. See that it is good. Not only do we get a small dose of some pretty rich stuff in the Bible, we get to "See" those words in a fresh new way. We see that the Lord is good.
I have been stuck on one word, through my tasting, one small bite of what is a BIG feast - Faith. Over and over again I have been reminded that faith is a process.... it is continuous ..... it hurts.....it is beautiful. In 2 Tim 4:7 Paul calls us to fight the GOOD fight of faith. It is going to agonizing at times. I have seen it all over the pages of scripture - you will struggle.
Isaiah 40 tells us that we will be weary but to wait on the Lord to renew our strength.
Joshua 1 tells us that we must be strong and courageous because times will be tough.
Romans 12 echoes the words of Paul "urging" us to present our bodies to be living sacrifices -
urging us because it does not come naturally. Don't conform to the world.
Psalm 119 David asks "How can a young man keep his way pure?" by living by the Word of the
Matthew 7 tells us to be wise in our foundations. A foundation on the rock of Jesus prevents us
from a GREAT fall.
Hebrews 11 - here we get to the heart of the matter - the faith chapter of the Bible - one I love!
In verse 25 it says this about Moses " .... choosing rather to ENDURE ill treatment with
the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasure of sin...."
If I am living my life to enjoy the passing pleasure of sin, where will that lead? Am I willing to endure - to long suffer - to persevere in this good fight of faith and to throw away the passing - get that - passing - that means it will not last - pleasures of sin? I say that I am. Because I taste. I taste and see that the Lord is good.
1 comment:
a very sweet post. ;) love your heart, girl!
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