These are my best buds, with the exception of a few people that are not pictured. I could not imagine doing life without these people. Whether it be a text message, email, letter, note on my car, or a silent prayer my life is enriched by their presence in it. I am going through a rough spot right now and though every weakness in me tells me that I am alone in this battle, all I have to do is look at this picture and I know I've got battle buddies. It is their constant love, support, and encouragement that inspires me, motivates me, and challenges me. I am truly honored and blessed to have these individuals in my life. They are more than just friends, they are family and I love them. So, I write this to remind me - they've got my back, that I'm not alone and that I truly am blessed by them. I wouldn't want to "do life" with anyone one else but these guys. Though some now live far away, I know they are still close in spirit and just a phone call away. So, to these best buds I say, "Thank you for filling my life with love, support and encouragement. I love you all, and you mean more to me than you'll ever know. Thank you for being my family."
Pictured besties: Brian Foster, Connor Beech, Matthew Kirby, Zach Binns, Melanie Binns, Beth Foster, Matt Stone, Tara Stone.
Not Pictured besties: Meredith Maines, Laura Beech, Elizabeth Turpin, Stephen Turpin, Emily and Jason Howell, Anne Lord.