On June 11th 2010 I headed to Africa for an amazing adventure. It was there that I fell in love with the African people, it was there that God stretched me, used me and filled me with his presence. In a couple of weeks a few of my closest friends are going to go on this same journey. I am so excited for them and with them traveling so soon it has caused me to look back in my journal from last year. I remember Mary Marimi saying, " Don't forget Africa." In an effort to remember I wanted to post some of my journal entry excerpts.
June 11, 2010
Well, it's time to begin my adventure to Africa. Sitting here in the Monroe, LA airport with my distressed khakis, Tom shoes, loose blouse, and passport pouch around my neck I already feel like a world traveler. The airport is small, it has only three gates and a variety of passengers waiting to board. We all have two things in common - a rolling carry on suitcase and eyes fixed on the TV displaying the World Cup events in South Africa. I've been asked a couple of times if I'm going to the World Cup, but that is not my destination. I'll have to watch soccer from a far. I wonder how many people are going to a far away country, like me. A little boy, sitting with his family, is playing with binoculars and I wonder what sort of adventure they are going on. Then, I wonder why I didn't pack binoculars myself.
Today was day one of taking malaria pills and I feel slightly nauseated. Although, I can't help but wonder if that is the result of nervousness, malaria pill side effects, or the lack of sleep I've had. Anne Lord came over last night to keep me company, run some last minute errands, and to help me pack my carry on. We were up until two in the morning. I am so thankful for that time spent with her - she knew just what I needed. I am so blessed to have her in my life.
So, it's just me and this carry on for two weeks. A packing feat I am proud to have conquered. As a girl this can prove problematic, but with the skill of rolling clothes and packing light I managed to fit everything and still have room. Call me next time you need to pack and I'll teach you my ways. I have to admit I'm a little nervous traveling by myself to Amsterdam. Images from the movie Taken play in my head, and feelings of loneliness are evident from my lack of companionship. But, there is something adventurous and enjoyable about trekking it solo for a little while. Maybe if I pretend I'm in a movie the nervousness will go away....
In the flight from Monroe to Atlanta I found it amazing to fly over the clouds (I don't know why, it is not my first time flying). They were so big and fluffy. In the sea of blue the magnitude of clouds reminded me of a scene from the movie Finding Nemo - the part when Dory swims into a cluster of jellyfish. Here I was in my own sea in the air looking at the harmless cluster of jellyfish looking substances.
On my flight from Atlanta to Detroit a fly landed on my arm. A fly in an airplane? Seems slightly oxymoron - like , on some level. I wonder if the pressure from the altitude kills the fly - or does it fly while we fly? Can it even survive a flight? These are the things that run through my mind when I have four flights in a row to catch.
Note to self: tell Dad about taking off in the plane - Pilot said we're number one for take off - reminds me of Brian Regan.
The fly is still alive - survived the flight.
Still think you should write a book ;)
Paul, I think you are the only one who enjoys my writing. I would love to write a book - just don't know what the contents should be. Thanks for being my writing encourager!
I'm carious how to learn writing properly like your writing which really amazes me lots !! it sounds to me such as these novels we're reading them in my English school especially in "Reading / writing class" !!! I wish you can help my writing through " grammar , sentence's structure and build my vocabulary level as you do".
By the way, I'm an international student who is studying in ELS-English school at Ruston. that one who has mutch trouple in writing skills , therefore, if you don't mind help me I would like to send me through my profile in Facebook some of your excerpts of your writing, then I will really appreciate it!!!!
Mohammed Alamoudi
My FB profile : Mohammed Alamoudi
Email : malamoudi1403@hotmail.com
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