So, maybe I should have entitled this blog as a breath of fresh air because that is what old friends bring. I had an amazing opportunity to spend some quality time with some friends that I grew up with this past weekend. I was able to stay with my friend Laura Daspit, a girl I hadn't talked to or seen in a year but can talk to like not a minute was spared since the last time we saw each other. Laura is one of my favorite people and it always astonishes me that we can skip all the superficial stuff and go straight to the heart of what is going on in our lives. She and I are in similar living situations right now and it was so good to just be able to talk about life with her. I learned from her that the people of New Orleans are emotionally worn out and the church is so focused on outreach that they have forgotten what it's like to build themselves inwardly. I learned that it would be easier to see ourselves as if we were characters in a book and could see the big picture and I learned that God is continually working and wants to use us in his work. I came back from my trip feeling refreshed and I truly think it was because I was able to be with old friends for a few days. I guess what I'm trying to say is that life is hard, routine is inevitable but God called us to live life together and I found that companionship in my old friends. What a breath of fresh air it is to be with friends who love you unconditionally and spur you closer to Christ!

Here is a funny little story -- so I was walking down St. Charles Ave when I found this note attached to a futon -- it reads "Dear Futon Owner, thank you for this futon. We sat on it and ate some ice cream and have grown quite fond of it. If you are sitting it out on the curb because you don't want it anymore we can take it off your hands. Please call us at 606 - 389 -0259 and we'll come pick it up. If, however, you do still want it, than thank you for letting us use it. Love, Nicole, Evian, and Tara."
I just thought it was funny that I was walking down the street and saw this futon on the curb with such a personal not attached to it. Kind of makes me want to meet the ones who wrote it.
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